After my little gold PT Cruiser, crushed and maimed, was towed to the body shop, I received a rental car to use until the damage could be assessed and, hopefully, repaired. (Prosperity – Insurance covers rentals).
By mid-week I received the not-so-great-news that my insurance company was writing my car off as a complete and total loss. By now I had come to a place of peace and acceptance on this. I knew without a doubt that God had my back on this and I had an inner knowing (also known as intuition) that the scenario might pan out like this. I had begun to think about what I wanted to replace the Pt Cruiser. Certainly not another PT Cruiser! If going a max speed of 12 MPH could total a vehicle, I sure didn’t want another. I thought of the ramifications of traveling at say 40 or 50 MPH – my conclusions were not pretty. Nope, I wanted something sturdier. Like a small pick-up truck. Color – red!
From the time the insurance company told me of their decision, I had four more days with the rental and then I had to return it. Yet I had to wait for the settlement check from them before I could look for another car because whatever monies they gave me was all I had. Note the time lapse here – no more rental AND no money. YIKES!
Oh, you of little faith…
Happily, the check I received was twice what I imagined I would get, not a windfall but a workable amount. (PROSPERITY)
My son, Chris, was leaving the county for 8 days and graciously allowed me to borrow his vehicle while he was gone as long as it was returned precisely on the day he returned because he would need it immediately. PERFECT PROSPERITY! That took care of my immediate need.
The money arrived in my account on a Wednesday. I was going out of town the next day (Thursday)to fulfill a commitment I had made months prior and then return on the same Sunday that my son was returning and would be wanting his vehicle back. I would, on that very day, be vehicle-less. YIKES!
A co-worker had a nephew who was selling his little pick-up truck. A Ford Ranger. Can you guess the color? Yup - R E D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (PROSPERITY)
I got back into town on Sunday, early afternoon, and by late afternoon, my little red pick up truck was sitting in my driveway. (PERFECTLY PERFECT PROSPERITY)
I was able to purchase it, get some work done on it and buy a used washing machine (mine had died a week or two prior).
Oh…and by the way…I tithed on that insurance check…no hesitation or regrets. I wrote that check, as I write all my tithe checks, with joy and gratitude.
Wouldn’t you?
Peace and Love